Saturday, January 3, 2015

Thanksgiving in Italy

In one of our last pre-baby adventures out into the world we chose to hop across the Mediterranean Sea to a place Jyl had always wanted to visit: Italy!  We flew into Rome, took the scenic speed train north on Thanksgiving day, enjoyed 2 nights there before returning to Rome for some solid site-seeing.  It was a quick trip, but still a delightful feast for all the senses.  The photos below tell the story well enough...

Food was a priority!  This tasty lunch was fantastic. 

What's that?

The basilica in Florence.  Big and bold. 

Baby shot on top of the Duomo!

Ponte Vecchio
Choice graffiti

We found the craft beers! 

David, stone cold chillin'. 

Thanks for helping us find the best gnocchi in Florence, Joey!
Botticelli's springtime. 
Rome had a parade to welcome us.  Or maybe it was farmworkers protesting for fair pay in the pouring rain. 

St. Peters Basilica in Vatican City


Italian guard dog. 
Our hotel was a bit run down.  (or maybe this was the Colosseum... I can't recall)
What!?  I'm Italian???  YES!

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! My favorites... Jyl looking at the Botticelli and the Italian guard dog...
